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How does the trigger point massager work

Each person knows the feeling when muscle stiffness, spasm, pain occurs in a certain area of ​​the body. Painful compaction - trigger point. Classical massage will not bring relief, but it is likely to increase the discomfort. A special trigger point massager allows a person to relieve muscle tension as soon as possible without special efforts and outside help. We will tell more about the principle of the tool.

Feature points

For each movement of a person, a certain muscle is responsible. An inconvenient position, a sharp jerk, a fall can lead to involuntary tissue contraction, spasm, the formation of a pain lump. Trigger point - local compaction, causing systematic pain with pressure, movement.

This syndrome causes discomfort, prevents a person from living normally, working, moving. Particularly unpleasant is the fact that pain can occur in a mirror, not at the site of the lesion. Often pain impulses are given even to internal organs.

Reflection (pattern) of pain

The patient can detect small muscle nodules independently by probing the area accessible to the hands. For example, thigh, neck, arms. In difficult situations, only a doctor can identify the point and correctly diagnose. According to statistics, the disease affects the neck, shoulder, region of the pelvis, hips, back, muscles of the limbs.

Palpation of trigger zones

Spasm disrupts the functioning of muscle tissue, interferes with normal blood circulation, and the nervous system. At the same time, the patient experiences malaise, weakness, irritability, dizziness. In the damaged limbs numbness, numbness is manifested, coordination is disturbed.

Occurrence factors

Every second person is at risk of affliction, so it is important to exclude the main causes of its manifestation. We list several fundamental factors in the occurrence of trigger pain:

  • prolonged physical activity in a constrained position with limited movement (sedentary work, lifting weights, driving vehicles);
  • monotonous gestures, manipulations (hairdresser, cosmetologist, seamstress, programmer);
  • incorrect position of the spine (curved posture);
  • muscle injuries (falls, fractures, dislocations, surgical intervention);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, sciatica, osteochondrosis);
  • increased body weight;
  • long stay in the cold;
  • uncomfortable position, improper clothes, accessories, etc.

Find out how use darsonval for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Manifestation of osteochondrosis

Massager Efficiency

Trigger points were studied in the last century by American doctors Travel and Simons. Doctors managed to study in detail the nature of the occurrence of characteristic pain and determine methods for its elimination. Today, medicine offers several ways to stop the pain: analgesics, blockade, massage and exercise therapy.

Let's talk in more detail about the mechanical effect on the pain zone through massaging. The specialist carries out a systematic pressure on the point before the onset and disappearance of pain. Next, passive stretching of the muscle is carried out, a warm compress is applied.

Trigger Zone Massage

Alternative treatment

The workload and remoteness of medical institutions do not allow people to receive qualified help in a timely manner and complicate the situation.Long-term studies have helped doctors make a schematic map of the occurrence and manifestation of the trigger. Using a special device allows the patient to independently eliminate the pain syndrome at home.

Exposure order

The principle of action of the massager is based on systematic pressure on the spasmodic area. By localization, through palpation, the patient determines the location of the node. By applying a massage roller and pressure, the muscle tone rises. Use the manual for the device for maximum effect.

Press the point with medium effort, without fanaticism and zeal. Hold each press for 10-30 seconds. Repeat the action up to five times until you feel a drop in pain and a slight warmth over the massaged area. The first actions bring significant discomfort, but progressive movements within a few minutes relieve stress and reduce pain, and relax the affected area.

Attracted blood flow restores muscle mobility, has a stimulating effect on the affected area and adjacent areas. After the massage, do simple stretching exercises. It is important to exclude the causes of stiffness and muscle spasms, exercise, exercise.

Massager in action

A selection of the best devices

The most popular is a massager in the form of a special hook with handles. The design is made taking into account the physiological characteristics of the human body, allows you to reach a painful area without effort and uncomfortable poses.

The first massage devices were presented by American manufacturers. To date, a domestic analogue is on sale - a massager Koldaeva. The average price for products of this type varies from 700 to 1000 rubles. You can purchase goods in the pharmacy network, through online stores, in medical centers.

The principle of the massage hook

A special ball made of plastic or hard rubber with convex spikes has a point effect on the affected area. Cone-shaped rays locally irritate the deep layers of the muscles. This type of massager is convenient for independent use only for accessible areas. For example, the ball will ease pain in the joints, limbs. Make back massage man cannot be without the help of another. The device has an affordable price (80-700 rubles), due to its compact size it can easily fit in a bag.

Massage ball

Electric massagers also in great demand. Particularly popular models with infrared lamps, which allow you to warm the affected area, stimulate blood circulation. Devices can be with one or more removable nozzles. The cost depends on functionality and size, on average about 500-800 rubles.

Electric massager

Roller Massagers universal in application, help to relax tense muscles after exercise, relieve pain and spasm of the trigger zone. The principle of using the tool is similar to other types. The product is presented in the form of a compact single roller, a bar with several balls. The cost of the product depends on the complexity of the material of manufacture. Wooden massager with three rollers will cost 300 rubles or more.

Massage limbs with a roller

Often on sale there is another type of roller massager: with comfortable plastic handles. This model is especially popular with the private manifestation of pain in the neck. The price of the goods is about 300 rubles.

Roller massager for osteochondrosis


The trigger point is small (about 1 cm), but it causes great discomfort to the patient. Timely treatment, massage relieve the condition, relieve pain. Special massagers allow you to carry out therapeutic procedures at home with minimal risk to health and the family budget. Regular massage, sports activities provide muscles with a healthy tone.

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